10 Must Know Computer Shortcut Keys in the Call Center

10 Must Know Computer Shortcut Keys in the Call Center

Due to its high manpower requirement and shift flexibility, the Call center industry is in vogue amongst the youth. In addition to this, there are no high educational eligibility criteria you need to follow for call center jobs. If you are 18+, completed your matriculation, and have good verbal skills (Hindi, English, or regional language), you can apply for a call center job.

Top 10 Computer Shortcut keys must know in the call center
Top 10 Computer Shortcut keys must know in the call center 

But Having said that, this qualification is only to apply for a job but does not guarantee of selection. If you want to be assured of 100% selection, you must have knowledge of computer and especially How to operate the key board keys. Because in the call center in addition to your communication skills you can also be examined on your typing speed for which you must be aware of a few important and frequently used shortcut keys.

So today's blog is about "10 Must Know Computer Shortcut Keys in the Call Center"

Cltrl+A: This shortcut key is used in excel or computer to select the complete text/content showing on the screen. Further, you can use the selected text to edit or paste somewhere else.

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Ctrl+C: This is the most used shortcut key in conjunction with "Ctrl+V", especially in excel. This shortcut key is used to copy a text. Unlike "Ctrl+ A" this shortcut key does not select the entire content but rather only the cells or space which you intend to select.

In a call center, an advisor can experience multiple times the situation where he/she has to copy the customer information and feed it to some other application,so instead of using the mouse to copy the information you can use the shortcut key Ctrl+C.

Ctrl+VThis is one of the most used shortcut keys used in conjunction with Ctrl+C. This shortcut key is used to paste the selected content.

One important point to keep in mind while pasting the content is

If the selected content or calculation is a formulated one then before pasting it to another excel sheet it must be value pasted, to neutralize the effect of the formula.

For example :

In the above example, column "D" denotes the numbers while column "E" denotes the frequency of these numbers. The formula used is COUNTIF in the cell "E2".

Now If I will copy the "E" column and paste it into the "F" column it will give me the incorrect number, while If the column "E" is selected and the value pastes to column "G" it will give me the correct number.

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Ctrl+F: There are 3 different use of this function.

In the browser, the Ctrl+F key is useful when we have to find a word or number. In the computer browser by Pressing Ctrl+F you will see a search box in the top right-hand corner in which you can use the word or number you are looking for and the result will be highlighted.

In excel, the Ctrl+F shortcut key can be used either to "find" or to "find and replace" a word, character, or number. Pressing the command, Ctrl+F will open a dialogue box that offers 2 options whether to find a world or to replace the word. You can choose either of them as per your requirement.

Below is the visual example: 

In the above snapshot, you can see pressing the Ctrl+F function offers you 2 options to act. "Find" or "Replace"

However, in outlook, the Ctrl+F function is used to forward email.

Ctrl+N: This shortcut is often used to open a new browser window, excel sheet, or the new document. The word "N" in the Ctrl+N command denotes "New".

So whatever the application you are using either browser, outlook, excel or word this shortcut key will be used to open a new one wherein the previous one remains in existence.

Ctrl+ZType a message, delete and retype. This cycle can not be completed without the use of Ctrl+Z command. This shortcut key has made our corporate life so easier. Ctrl+Z key is used to reverse the last action performed. As human beings everyone makes mistakes but unlike life, the keyboard gives us all the authority to delete the last action and instead perform a new one whatever is required.

Ctrl+Shift+T: Multiple times you might have experienced a problem of accidentally closing all your tabs due to the wrong click of the (X) button or due to some other technical or power off issue.

Imagine you are browsing an important website and suddenly your computer shuts down and when you restart it that website has been disappeared. How would you visit the same website again?

One way is to do it by checking the history and clicking on the website, but that is very time-consuming and you need to remember the exact website that you were browsing. The other way to do it is to use the  Ctrl+Shift+T shortcut key.

Just to remember that this feature is not useful in incognito mode so browse safely while using incognito mode

Alt+Tab: This is one of the most commonly used shortcut keys while browsing or doing any work in more than 1 browser, excel sheets or other applications.

This short cut key is used to toggle between 2 browsers or working sheets quickly without using the mouse which takes a lot of time.One more use of using this short cut key is to toggle the other browser quickly when you are doing some confidential work and suddenly someone steps in to your workstation

Alt+F4: When you want to close the window without touching the mouse you must know the shortcut key Alt+F4.This is also the most used shortcut key to close the window or excel sheet.

In the excel sheet if your file is not already saved the excel will ask you to save the file in some location first than to close the sheet by using the shortcut key Alt+F4.

Windows+L: The final shortcut key which is loved the most by everyone is "Windows+L". Be it the short breaks used in between the hectic work or leaving the workstation temporarily "Windows+L" is the shortcut key used to lock the system and can not be opened without your secret password.

Even during the induction into the organization, the first shortcut key told by the IT executive is "Windows+L" to lock the system. 


Here ends our today's topic "10 Must Know Computer Shortcut Keys in the Call Center".

Please let me know how did you like the post in the below comment box and also what is the most used shortcut key by you while at work.

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